JLINCLabs API Documentation


A Server

B Server

The B server

Server status


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/status

If the server is responding, returns:

  "status": "OK"

Create organization


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/signup

Generates a signup token and sends an email to the given email address with a verification link.

Requires either a stripeToken id (see Stripe API docs: tokens) or an inviteToken. An inviteToken is created by running the createOrganizationAdminInviteToken script on the B Server. It should then added as a param to an invite url that can be sent to a prospective organization admin, example: http://sandbox.b-portal.jlinclabs.net?it=V7i1ldl8HoeVFBDtL9paUbS2kFl3rlB. If an inviteToken is provided, it should first be verified before posting to api/signup.

Post body:

  "email": "neworg@example.com",
  "stripeToken": "tok_1CR5JRFNXsZIJI8lCl1l04S4",
  "inviteToken:": "d1830fcda87ae8993039694e6f7aea95"

A successful response returns success true.

Response body:

 "success": true

Example signup link sent in the verification email: http://sandbox.b-portal.jlinclabs.net/signup/eV7i1ldl8HoeVFBDtL9paUbS2kFl3rlB.

The signup token is the last parameter of the signup url above. You can check the validity of the signup token using the endpoint below.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/verify_signup

Validates the signup token.

Post body:

  "signupToken": "eV7i1ldl8HoeVFBDtL9paUbS2kFl3rlB",

Returns the email associated with the signup token.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "email": "neworg@example.com"

Once the signup token has been validated, the organization can be created.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/complete_signup

Creates an organization, organization admin, and stores a session.

Post body:

  "name": "Bob Co",
  "email": "neworg@example.com",
  "password": "examplepassword",
  "passwordConfirmation": "examplepassword",
  "signupToken": "eV7i1ldl8HoeVFBDtL9paUbS2kFl3rlB",
  "salesforce": true,
  "keepMeLoggedIn": true

salesforce is a boolean representing whether or not the organization has a Salesforce connection. Defaults to false.

Returns a session ID and initial organization details.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "sessionId": "5b2dbdc40a22ecc8ca2e12c3da0f0319",
  "organization": {
    "apikey": "bobco",
    "logo": null,
    "icon": null,
    "name": "Bob Co",
    "dpo_email": "neworg@example.com",
    "domain": null,
    "contact_phone": null,
    "contact_phone_2": null,
    "address": null,
    "city": null,
    "post_code": null,
    "country": null,
    "communication_channels": {},
    "requested_data": {},
    "consents": {},
    "salesforce": false,
    "description": null,
    "state": null,
    "public": false,
    "banner": null,
    "upsell_description": null,
    "public_allowed": false,
    "published": false,
    "marketplace_tags": [],
    "industries": [],
    "brands": [],
    "public_key": "Vi6djLwwoiga_XWE93sdbYPbgP2jxjCjHDNfq5qFcRg",
    "dcust_id": "Vi6djLwwoiga_XWE93sdbYPbgP2jxjCjHDNfq5qFcRg",
    "api_secret": "457b855bbfb36a3bd5df045066f34de40b2db65314cef8b9d83ae272f40fc127",
    "vendor_name": "bobco"



POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/login

Post body:

  "email": "neworg@example.com",
  "password": "examplepassword",
  "keepMeLoggedIn": true

A successful login returns a session ID:

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "sessionID": "5e1668d7fffaadabf0474088e..."

The sessionId provided in the response should be used as the value of the Session-Id header of authenticated requests section that appears later in this document.

Verify invite token


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/verify_invite_token

Post body:

  "email": "neworg@example.com",
  "inviteToken": "d1830fcda87ae8993039694e6f7aea95"

Response body:

  "success": true

Reset password

Sends an email with a reset password link to the given email address.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/reset_password/request

Post body:

  "email": "neworg@example.com"

Response body:

  "success": true

Example link sent in request password email: http://sandbox.b-portal.jlinclabs.net/reset-password/db2506e27894aee3216273b49910062d. The last parameter of this link is the resetPasswordToken.

Before a password is reset, the resetPasswordToken should be verified.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/reset_password/verify/:resetPasswordToken

Checks if the resetPasswordToken is valid and returns the email associated with the resetPasswordToken.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "email": "neworg@example.com"

Now the password can be reset.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/reset_password

Post body:

  "resetPasswordToken": "db2506e27894aee3216273b49910062d",
  "password": "passwordeagle",
  "passwordConfirmation": "passwordeagle"

When the password has been successfully reset.

Response body:

  "success": true

Authenticated Requests

These endpoints require requests to have set a Session-Id header with a valid session ID value.

Get organization profile


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/profile

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "organizationProfile": {
    "apikey": "bobco",
    "logo": "",
    "icon": "",
    "name": "Bob Co",
    "dpo_email": "neworg@example.com",
    "domain": "bobco.com",
    "contact_phone": "111-222-3333",
    "contact_phone_2": "222-333-4444",
    "address": "1 Bob St",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "post_code": "94606",
    "country": "United States",
    "communication_channels": {},
    "requested_data": {},
    "consents": {},
    "salesforce": false,
    "description": "Voluptates sit enim impedit eligendi in.",
    "public": true,
    "banner": "http://imgurl.jpg",
    "upsell_description": "Corporis sed temporibus sint.",
    "public_allowed": true,
    "published": true,
    "marketplace_tags": [],
    "industries": [],
    "brands": []

Update organization profile


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/profile

Post body:

  "organizationProfile": {
    "logo": "",
    "dpo_email": "bobco@newemail.org",
    "domain": "newedomain.com",
    "upsell_description": "New description.",
    "consents": {},

Returns the updated organization profile.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "organization_profile": {
    "apikey": "bobco",
    "logo": "",
    "icon": "",
    "name": "Bob Co",
    "dpo_email": "bobco@newemail.org",
    "domain": "newedomain.com",
    "contact_phone": "111-222-3333",
    "contact_phone_2": "222-333-4444",
    "address": "1 Bob St",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "post_code": "94606",
    "country": "United States",
    "communication_channels": {},
    "requested_data": {},
    "consents": {},
    "salesforce": false,
    "description": "Voluptates sit enim impedit eligendi in.",
    "public": true,
    "banner": "http://imgurl.jpg",
    "upsell_description": "New description.",
    "public_allowed": true,
    "published": true,
    "marketplace_tags": [],
    "industries": [],
    "brands": []



POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/logout

If the session exists and has been destroyed.

Response body:

  "success": true


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/consent_report

Returns a consent report - an array of objects each representing an end-user, sorted by newest SISA permission event date, listing the permissions given by the end user and the date at which each of these permissions was granted.

  "success": true,
  "consentReport": [
      "id": "004Lxn3w_7-A5JVyJp9elhD8ejdh3TTP3YL0fnE62N",
      "lastUpdated": "2018-11-07T11:44:19-08:00",
      "consents": {},
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "example-end-user-1@example.com"
      "id": "9GFWGz1tbJ8YMF1uJAiny0bqs5RiAV2rjv4wym8U5WM",
      "lastUpdated": "2018-11-07T11:44:19-08:00",
      "consents": {},
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "example-end-user-2@example.com"

Onboard end-user

This is an API to create a signup link that BobCo can send to Alice, inviting her to take charge of the contact information he has about her, and set her preferences about what he can do with it.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/orgs/invite_end_user

email is required, and must be unique in BobCo’s account. All other data fields are optional. Any other fields that might be included will be ignored. From time to time new optional data fields may be added.

Post body:

  "endUserPersonalData": {
    "email": "alice@example.com",
	  "firstname": "Alice",
	  "lastname": "McPerson",
	  "fullname": "Alice McPerson",
	  "mailingstreet": "123 Main Street",
	  "mailingcity": "Oakland",
	  "mailingstate": "CA",
	  "mailingpostalcode": "01234",
	  "mailingcountry": "US",
	  "homephone": "555-111-4444",
	  "mobilephone": "555-111-2222"

On success a signup link will be returned:

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "signup": "http://a-portal.jlinc.test/regauth/gbobcogc3b1b27093b2d95eb23d3b381b3542bc"

This link should be sent to Alice to register her account with BobCo.

Create multiple end-user invites from a CSV


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/invite_end_user_batch

Requires submitting a multipart/form-data form with a text session_id field containing a valid organization admin session ID, and field of type “file” named emailListCSVStream containing the CSV file.

The CSV file can contain columns with the following headers:

Returns an invites.csv file with a signup url for each row with a valid unique email.

Get all end-user invites

Gets a list of end-user invites in batches of 10. Takes page query param that determines which set of 10 invites to retrieve.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/end_user_invites?page=1


page (number)

Returns an array of objects with invite urls and associated data.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "endUserInvites": [
      "email": "user1@example.com",
      "invite_token": "0667841d8babb10ae98f4ba2426f75f2",
      "organization_apikey": "bobco",
      "external_id__c": "jlinc-s33xHBpBrc59kh-rSxVQPBMgMKzyHQTe",
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "user1@example.com",
        "firstname": "alice",
        "lastname": "ecila",
        "homephone": "555-111-4444",
        "mailingcity": "Oakland",
        "mobilephone": "555-111-2222",
        "mailingstate": "CA",
        "mailingstreet": "123 Main Street",
        "mailingcountry": "US",
        "mailingpostalcode": "01234"
      "created": "2018-11-07T20:53:14.322Z",
      "rights_holder_public_key": null,
      "used_at": null,
      "invite_url": "http://a-portal.jlinc.test/regauth/gbobcog08300400501981586g0667841d8babb10ae98f4ba2426f75f2"
      "email": "user2@example.com",
      "invite_token": "0667841d8babb10ae98f4ba2426n75f2",
      "organization_apikey": "bobco",
      "external_id__c": "jlinc-s33xHBpBrc59kh-rSpVQPBMgMKzyHQTe",
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "user1@example.com",
        "firstname": "carol",
        "lastname": "lorac",
        "homephone": "123-234-3456",
        "mailingcity": "Oakland",
        "mobilephone": "111-111-2222",
        "mailingstate": "CA",
        "mailingstreet": "121 Main Street",
        "mailingcountry": "US",
        "mailingpostalcode": "01237"
      "created": "2018-11-07T20:53:14.322Z",
      "rights_holder_public_key": null,
      "used_at": null,
      "invite_url": "http://a-portal.jlinc.test/regauth/gbobcog08300400501981586g1b8df697e27dce7b08dbae96cd69e1b2"

Delete end-user invite

Deletes the end-user invite matching the given inviteToken.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/delete_end_user_invite

Post body:

  "inviteToken": "08300400501981586g1b8df697e27dce7b08dbae96cd69e1b2"

If a matching invite exists and has been deleted.

Response body:

  "success": true

Get all end-user account data


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/end_user_account_data

Returns an array of all end-user’s account data that the end-user has shared with the organization.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "allEndUserAccountData": [
      "rhldr_id": "W_puM0eb-iRRvhUcKNUE9wcDCokSD6IHk5-FO0p-GJM",
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "al.pacino@example.com"
      "shared_personal_data": {},
      "consents": {},
      "communication_channels": {}
      "rhldr_id": "fDry8k1Y7J0uZ1Tnkmb6UtPqBDkvRiVOcSqYHfULr-M",
      "personal_data": {
        "email": "alice.walker@example.com",
        "firstname": "alice",
        "lastname": "walker",
        "gender": "unique",
      "shared_personal_data": {},
      "consents": {},
      "communication_channels": {}

Get end-user account data

Requires a rights-holder (i.e. end-user) id.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/end_user_account_data/:rhldr_id

Returns the end-user account data.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "endUserAccountData": {
    "rhldr_id": "W_puM0eb-iRRvhUcKNUE9wcDCokSD6IHk5-FO0p-GJM",
    "consents": {},
    "communication_channels": {},
    "personal_data": {
      "email": "al.pacino@example.com"
    "shared_personal_data": {}

Get filtered end-user account data

Expects the query param page that determines the batch to retrieve.

Accepts the filters query param. Each value is of the form [type, value]. The following is a list of accepted types:

A type with permission in the name requires a valid permission field as its value. A type with requested data requires a valid personal data field as its value.

For example, if we were filtering for users with the Membership permission enabled, who were also sharing their firstname:

const filters = [['Permission Enabled', 'Membership'], ['Requested Data Shared', 'firstname']]
const filtersQueryParam = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters))

// filtersQueryParam: %5B%5B%22Permission%20Enabled%22%2C%22Membership%22%5D%2C%5B%22Requested%20Data%20Shared%22%2C%22firstname%22%5D%5D


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/end_users?page=1?filters=%5B%5B%22Permission%20Enabled%22%2C%22Membership%22%5D%2C%5B%22Requested%20Data%20Shared%22%2C%22firstname%22%5D%5D


page (number)
filters (url encoded JSON array)

Returns an arrays of arrays of which the first value is a list of headers. The subsequent values each represent an end-user’s data.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "endUsers": [
      "Rights Holder Id",
      "Sisa Signed At",
      "First Name",
      "Home Phone Number (Land Line)",
      "Business Industry",
      "Business Street",
      "Business City",
      "Business Country",
      "Discount Offers Consent Enabled",
      "Newsletter Consent Enabled",
      "Membership Consent Enabled",
      "Volunteering Consent Enabled",
      "Sharing Data within Group Consent Enabled",
      "Automated Decision Making Consent Enabled",
      "Online Tracking Consent Enabled",
      "Fax Communication Channel Enabled",
      "Voice Communication Channel Enabled"

Get CSV of filtered end-user account data

This routes does not authenticate via the Session-Id header, but instead through sessionId query param. Set sessionId to a valid session ID. Also accepts the same filters param as outlined in preceding endpoint.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/end_users.csv

Returns a CSV with rows for all users that match the given filters.

Get feed posts

Takes the optional query param before, a date string that will cause the server to only send feed posts that were created before that date.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/feed/posts?before=2018-11-07T23%3A31%3A16.046Z


before (url encoded ISO date string)

Returns an array of the organization’s feed posts.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "posts": [
      "uid": "ae5492a5c6da7524b948df9df02a2528",
      "organizationApikey": "bobco",
      "body": "Post body",
      "title": "Example post title",
      "mediaUrl": "http://imageurl.com/image.jpg",
      "mediaMimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "createdAt": "2018-11-07T23:32:19.518Z",
      "myPost": true,
      "organizationPost": false
      "uid": "ae5492a5c6da7524b948df9df02a2521",
      "organizationApikey": "bobco",
      "body": "Post body 2",
      "title": "Example post title 2",
      "mediaUrl": "http://imageurl.com/image.jpg",
      "mediaMimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "createdAt": "2018-11-07T23:34:19.518Z",
      "myPost": true,
      "organizationPost": false

Create feed post


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/feed/posts/create

Post body:

  "post": {
    "title": "This is a post title",
    "body": "This is a post body",
    "mediaUrl": "http://videourl.com/video.mp4",
    "mediaMimeType": "video/mp4"

Returns the created post.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "post": {
    "uid": "e80f11b39aa3294ed3b5a37b69012a73",
    "organizationApikey": "bobco",
    "body": "This is a post body",
    "createdAt": "2018-11-07T23:35:55.961Z",
    "deletedAt": null,
    "hiddenAt": null,
    "title": "This is a post title",
    "mediaUrl": "http://videourl.com/video.mp4",
    "mediaMimeType": "video/mp4",
    "organizationPost": true

Delete feed post

Soft deletes a feed post.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/feed/posts/delete

Post body:

  "post": {
    "feedPostUid": "e80f11b39aa3294ed3b5a37b69012a73"

If the post has been deleted.

Response body:

  "success": true

Hide feed post

Hides a post from the feed.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/feed/posts/hide

Post body:

  "post": {
    "feedPostUid": "e80f11b39aa3294ed3b5a37b69012a73"

If the post has been hidden.

Response body:

  "success": true

Show feed post

Shows a previously hidden feed post.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/feed/posts/show

Post body:

  "post": {
    "feedPostUid": "e80f11b39aa3294ed3b5a37b69012a73"

If the post has been shown.

Response body:

  "success": true

Get buying interests

Gets a list of all the buying interests that match the industries, brands, and marketplace tags in the organization’s profile.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/buying_interests

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "buyingInterests": [
      "uid": "10504b9f0c13c5b9c1e21dc30a3618c6",
      "email": "alice.walker@example.com",
      "first_name": "alice",
      "last_name": "walker",
      "tags": [
      "brands": [
      "currency": "$",
      "end_date": "2019-10-08",
      "industry": "Automotive",
      "location": "San Francisco",
      "price_low": 1000,
      "price_high": 100000,
      "description": "Buying interest description",
      "beginning_date": "2018-11-07"

Get verified emails


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/emails

Returns a list of verified and pending verification emails.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "emails": [
      "email": "alice@example.com",
      "verified": true
      "email": "alice2@example.com",
      "verified": false

Add verified email

Sends an email to the given email with a verification link. Email must be unique.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/emails/add

Post body:

  "email": "newemail@example.com"

If the email has been successfully added and is pending verification.

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "email": "newemail@example.com",
  "verified": false

Example verification link: http://sandbox.b-portal.jlinclabs.net/verify_email/f91f371c9e2ec35b94fe9abf8213bc0d

The last paramater of the verification link is the verificationCode which can be used to verify the email.


POST http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/orgs/emails/verify

When the email has been successfully verified.

Post body:

  "success": true,
  "email": "newemail@example.com",
  "verified": true

Get email mailing list CSV for permission

This routes does not authenticate via the Session-Id header, but instead through sessionId query param. Set sessionId to a valid session ID. Also requires a consentType query param with a valid permission as its value.


GET http://sandbox.jlinclabs.net/api/email_list/:sessionId/:consentType

Returns a CSV with rows for all users who have SISAs with this organization and who have the given consentType enabled.